Random Thought #1 – Selecting Tile

During the three-months we've been remodeling our main floor and upstairs, we've made several observations we'd like to share. Not to scare you from remodeling, but to prepare you for what you are about to experience and to give you some advice on how to make it the best experience for you. This first [...]

By | 2017-03-25T13:45:28-06:00 April 28th, 2016|Bathrooms, Kitchens, Our Remodel Experience|0 Comments

The story behind drywall mud globs

Clients often complain that globs of drywall mud are left on the floors of their projects. Having seen this phenomena myself, I had to ask why they aren't cleaned up right away. The answer made sense. They are much harder to clean up when they are wet. Once they dry, you can virtually pick them [...]

By | 2017-03-25T14:17:58-06:00 March 7th, 2016|Our Remodel Experience|0 Comments

Our Personal Remodel

After 15 years of planning, Bill and I finally took our own advice and updated our 1985 home. The process helped us truly understand what our clients have been going through the last 27 years. In general, we are remodeling the main and upper floors of our home. That means we lived in our basement [...]

By | 2017-03-25T14:02:40-06:00 March 1st, 2016|Our Remodel Experience|0 Comments